Christmas Lights -A short story



The air of holiday embraces me. I can hear the lyrics of the song, “pasko na sinta ko hanap hanap kita”. The song that brought me in the past.

“Pops, don’t forget your promise”

“Okay, little girl, I will not forget”. “you wait me here”. “Bye”

Those were the last words, I hear from him. Same song that I don’t want to hear anymore. The song that always pierces my heart.

My neighbors’ houses are full of Christmas decorations. People are excited to decorate their house with Christmas lights; Christmas tree and they always play Christmas carols. They all look so happy.

“Good evening! Merry Christmas, Ms. Angel”.

“Hello, Mrs. Cruz,”

 “I brought you food.”

“You’ve been bringing me food, Mrs. Cruz every holiday.”

“Let me do it Dra. Angel, my way of thanking you for saving my life.”

“It’s my job as a Doctor. And please just call me Angel.”

I’ll go ahead, my son is calling me.” It’s nearly 12 midnight…” “again, Merry Christmas”.

Its hard to be happy. Being merry during Christmas is not my priority. I don’t want to celebrate Christmas anymore. I don’t want to see any Christmas decorations in my house. How could I be so happy? This holiday, this Christmas decorations are the reasons of my parents’ death.

“Pops, don’t forget your promise.  I want Christmas lights. I want it to have different colors. Okay”. “Mom, please tell pops, since you go with him too. And don’t my favorite food. Barbecue.”

If it wasn’t for me, they too are still alive. They didn’t get an accident.

I need to sleep I have so many things to do in the morning.

I will bring this food in the hospital tomorrow.

Before I go to bed, I decided to go to my parents’ home. I thanked my grandparents for keeping this clean and tidy. It’s been two months now since my grandmother died. My auntie Mona take my grandfather with her in Canada. The old cabinet was still there where my parents’ clothes were kept. I wasn’t able to visit our house during my school days because auntie Mona take me with her in Canada to continue my study. And I am always busy in the hospital. I want myself to be busy so that when i home, it is easy for me to sleep. I want to run from the past that always hunting me.

I slowly opened the cabinet and there was a drawer.  I slowly opened it. I saw, Christmas card from my parents dated the day the died. I read the message and suddenly I noticed my eyes were full of tears. I hardly can’t breathe.

Next to the Christmas cards was a sealed plastic. I opened it. I saw beautiful Christmas lights with different colors, the one I requested from my father. The joy stirred my heart.  I cried so much. My parents didn’t want me to suffer. They love me very much. I could feel their presence as I hold the cards and Christmas lights.

Christmas holiday is not yet over. I need to decorate our veranda with these beautiful Christmas lights. And I sure it will be the most beautiful Christmas lights in this holiday season.



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